Saturday, January 3, 2015


The idea of going through the same type of relationships based on the same rules, but expecting a different outcome. A lot of  us spend loads of time trying to make our relationship work out on the same rules that caused the previous one to fail. It is frustrating to lose someone that you care about and then look back in regret. However, it is easier to maintain a long lasting relationship if you learn to grow and adapt to your partner. Take a few minutes to reflect and possibly apply this idea to your relationship. By doing this you can begin to find out the mistakes in your relationship and if you truly appreciate the idea of a relationship then you  will work on those mistakes differently. 

What is the most common form of relationship insanity? LAZINESS! 
I have seen/ heard about too many relationships that fail because someone is just too lazy to  put in that work. Are you still wondering what I mean by laziness? Do not worry, I will elaborate. Too many times people back out of relationships because they are tired of putting in that work. Now, there are those cases where you can clearly tell that it is not working out. Do not forget to do your due diligence regardless.  

- Lazy people run from their relationship without due diligence
- Lazy people expect a relationship to be a bed of roses(there will always be bad days)
Nothing good comes easy. A relationship is not a walk in the park, but it is surely a lovely experience. We struggle to get what we want in life and like always we then have to work harder to keep it."Even though every relationship has its ups and downs, successful couples have learned how to manage the bumps and keep their love life going"

Insanity is when we forget that the purpose of a relationship is for two completely different people to come together as one and battle to understand + cherish one another. A lot of relationships do not work  because people keep trying the same techniques over and over again with hopes of maintaining a long lasting relationship. Advise? Just stop it!!
Understand your partner, switch things around, know them for them and when that time comes, when you are tested; fight for your relationship just do it differently.
Relationship: The way in which two or more people are connected.

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